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AUTM Central Region Meeting 2021
Dear Tek Community, We are happy to announce that Tekcapital will be sponsoring the next Central Region Meeting by AUTM....

Tekcapital as Sponsor Exhibitor at The 2021 Canadian Region Meeting
We are happy to have participated as a sponsor exhibitor at the last Canadian Region Meeting by the Association of...

Lord David Willetts Comments on the Importance of University IP for Growing Tech Companies
Dear Tekcommunity, We are pleased to introduce David Willetts, Director at Tekcapital and former member of the U.K parliament for...

Tekcapital Visits the STATE Innovation Hub in Brazil
Hi Tek community, We are happy to share our last visit to the new incubator “STATE Innovation Hub” in the...

“The Entrepreneurial Scientist” Our Latest Webinar Delivered for 250+ Participants
Dear Tek Community, We are happy to share with you our last successful webinar for the LATAM market, which was...